Donnerstag, 18. April 2024
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Neuropathic Pain

6th International Congress on Neuropathic Pain (NeuPSIG) 2017

6th International Congress on Neuropathic Pain (NeuPSIG) 2017
© GVictoria /
  • 15. - 18. Juni 2017 / Göteborg, Schweden


The 6th International Congress on Neuropathic Pain (NeuPSIG 2017) is an international forum that provides the latest research and developments in understanding the mechanisms, assessment, prevention and treatment of neuropathic pain.

The meeting is a superb opportunity to network and strengthen scientific collaboration. In 2017 the congress will take place in the beautiful city of Gothenburg, Sweden. Attendees will join a global community of specialists, June 2017, at an interactive congress that encourages all participants to shape the scientific programme.​

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