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25th European Congress of Psychiatry 2017

25th European Congress of Psychiatry 2017
© ekaterina_belova /
  • 01. - 04. April 2017 / Florenz, Italien


The 25th Congress of the European Psychiatric Association (EPA), the largest international association of psychiatrists in Europe, will take place in Florence, Italy, 1-4 April 2017, in the wonderful surroundings of the Fortezza da Basso, a five minute walk from the historical centre of the city.

The 25th European Congress of Psychiatry (EPA 2017) will facilitate learning, discussion, and exchange among European and international psychiatrists together with leaders of stakeholder organisations in mental health. Guided by the motto “Together for Mental Health,” a special focus of the EPA Congress will be the dialogue between neurosciences and social sciences in the context of a psychiatry congress, overcoming the traditional separation between the domains of biology and human relationships, which has misled for too long our profession and public opinion.​

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